inTheOriginal banner

τὰ ἐσσόμενα

Q1 2023
Initial website development
  • Course listings & online payment processing [early Feb]
  • Dickinson College-style commentary on Plato's Ion [early to mid Feb]
  • Dropbox replacement for course files [mid to late Feb]
  • "Login-link" to access course resources [late Feb]
Course (winter)
Homer Iliad (22 &) 23

Saturday mornings
11 weeks

Course (winter)
Plato Ion

Tuesday evenings
10 weeks

Q2 2023
Course (spring)
Homer Iliad 24 (2 ways)

Saturday mornings
Tuesday evenings (optional)
11 weeks

  • In addition to our usual Saturday class, we'll hold an optional session on each subsequent Tuesday evening to discuss reciting, phrasing, performing the text of Iliad 24 so as to better convey the dianoia of the poet.
Test Jitsi Meet
  • Spring quarter Tuesday evening meetings will test Jitsi Meet as a possible replacement for Zoom.
  • If successful, future courses would move to Jitsi for all online meetings.
Q3 2023
Course (summer tragedy)
Sophocles Ajax

Thursday evenings
12 weeks

  • [mid/end of June to end of Aug/early Sept]
Reading group
Aristotle Poetics

Sunday afternoons
10 weeks(?)

  • Sunday afternoons with Aristotle's Poetics is intended as a casual reading group for exploring the Poetics in Greek with no endpoint in mind.
  • Depending on levels of interest, the number of meetings can be increased (or reduced).
Explore moving to a non-profit structure

From to (?)

  • A larger, truer mission for "inTheOriginal" would be to encourage the reading & discussion of literature in their original languages via reading groups & courses.
  • Would require creation of a board.
  • Move would either coincide with the release of a free intro to ancient Greek course in Q4 or calendar year 2024.
Q4 2023
Intro to Ancient Greek

A revamped, fully-online & free introductory course in the open-source tradition.

  • Still based on Pharr (or Pharr/Debnar), but via shorter concept-related modules rather than chapter-by-chapter, with new exercises & flashcards.
  • For people preferring more guidance, a low-cost office-hour-style option would be available for groups of 5-7, on a rolling basis, with sub-options for a slower or accelerated pace.
Course(s) (autumn)

Almost any archaic to classical-era text(s) besides the Odyssey is possible.
Will poll everyone in early June, but here are some sequence (Aut-Win-Spr) ideas:

  • Theogony-Shield of Heracles-Pindar sequence
  • Plato Symposium redux
  • Aeschylus Oresteia redux
  • bks 5 & 6 of Herdotus?
Shift to non-profit structure?
  • in Q4 or defer to Q1 2024?
  • begin applying for funding, ex. NEA grant?